Installing Juju

Create a VM for the Juju controller

In order to enable MAAS to manage the KVM machine, you will need to install the libvirtd package on the MAAS Rack controller:

$ apt install libvirtd

If you have yet a VM in Ready status you can use it as Juju controller instance, otherwise you can add a new machine, following the instructions below.

Add a new VM

Login to the MAAS web UI with your admin credentials and navigate to the Nodes tab. Click the Add Node button and fill the form (MAC address value also) and finally click Save machine button:


Add a VM


  • Machine name is the name of the machine as seen by MAAS
  • Power ID is the domain name of the VM installed on libvirt
  • Power password is the password to connect to the libvirt environment

If you need to get the MAC address of the VM, you can do so through the following commands:

$ virsh list
$ virsh dumpxml <VM id>

Now your VM Jujucontroller is present in the list nodes of MAAS and with Ready status. Select it, click the Take Action button and choose the Commission action.

Install the Juju client

Install the Juju client needed to deploy Juju controllers on your VM. Note: the Juju client can be installed in the same container where MAAS is installed or in another container/server.

Issue the following commands to install Juju:

$ add-apt-repository -yu ppa:juju/stable
$ apt update
$ apt install juju

Add MAAS as supported cloud

To list the supported clouds use the command:

$ juju list-clouds

By default, MAAS is not present in the supported list of clouds and you need to add it. Add the MAAS cloud by creating a yaml file called for example maas-cloud.yaml with the following content:

$ cat maas-cloud.yaml
  <your cloud name>:
    type: maas
    auth-types: [oauth1]
      <your Region name>:
        endpoint: http://<your MAAS address>:<your MAAS port>/MAAS/

For example:

    type: maas
    auth-types: [oauth1]
        endpoint: http://<maas-ip-address>:<maas-port>/MAAS/

Then issue the following command to add your new cloud:

$ juju add-cloud <your cloud name> maas-cloud.yaml

Please note that <your cloud name> should match the name in the YAML, e.g. mymaas.

Create credentials for Juju on MAAS

In order to authenticate Juju on the MAAS server, you need to create a credential file juju-credential.yaml with this content:

$ cat juju-credential.yaml
  <your cloud name>:
       <your username>:
            auth-type: oauth1
                maas-oauth: <_MAAS_API_string>

For example:

        auth-type: oauth1
        maas-oauth: y9bNe...

Add other credentials (corresponding to different MAAS users) to juju-credential.yaml, if needed.

To get the MAAS_API_string login on the MAAS web UI, selecting the Account option from the user menu in the top right corner, opening the user preferences page and scroll down to the API Key section. You can generate an API key for the currently user as needed. (The API key is currently used to login to the API from the command line.)

While you are still on the MAAS preferences page, add your SSH key by clicking Add SSH key. Use the public half of your SSH key, the content of:


Warning: do not paste your private key!*

Now, run the following command to add your new credential for Juju:

$ juju add-credential <your cloud name> -f juju-credential.yaml

Bootstrap the Juju controller

Execute the bootstrap step to deploy a Juju controller node:

$ juju bootstrap <your cloud name> <controller-name> --to <target>

where <target> is the MAAS name of the VM created in the previous stem, for example:

$ juju bootstrap mymaas myJujuctrl --to Juju-controller

After launching the command, it should be necessary to turn the host on manually. Once the controller installation is completed, add your favorite SSH keys:

$ juju add-ssh-key "$(cat ~/.ssh/<id your pubkey>.pub)

Model configuration

Now is possible to configure the environment in Juju. See also [Models config]( The command to run model model configuration is:

$ juju model-config

Add models and users to the Juju controller

It is recommended to create new Juju models and users in order to isolate different environments, e.g. a production environment from a develoement/testing one.

  1. Create new users in MAAS (in this example they are called maasprod and maastest, take note of the API-KEY, add the credentials to Juju-credential.yaml as described above.

  2. Load the credentials on the Juju controller:

    juju add-credential -f Juju-credential.yaml --replace mymaas

    Note the --replace options which is compulsory if the credentials have already been loaded.

  3. Create the Juju models, e.g. Jujuprod and Jujutest, and associate them to the maas users created above:

    juju add-model Jujuprod --credential maasprod mymaas
    juju add-model Jujutest --credential maastest mymaas
  4. Create the linux users that will log in to the corresponding Juju model, e.g. userprod and usertest

  5. Create users in the Juju controller, e.g. userprod and usertest:

    juju add-user userprod
    User "userprod" added
    Please send this command to userprod:
            juju register ...key...
    juju add-user usertest
    User "usertest" added
    Please send this command to usertest:
            juju register ...key...
  6. Login as the linux users created above and issue the Juju register command given above.

  7. Grant to the Juju users the admin or read privileges to the corresponding model, e.g.:

    juju grant usertest admin Jujutest
    juju grant usertest read Jujuprod
  8. As linux user switch to the corresponding model:

    juju list-models
    Controller: Juju-controller
    Model               Owner  Status   Access  Last connection
    admin/Jujuprod  admin  available  admin   2 minutes ago
    admin/Jujutest  admin  available  read      never connected
    juju switch admin/Jujuprod
    juju-controller (controller) -> Juju-controller:admin/Jujuprod
  9. Add the SSH keys to the models:

    juju add-ssh-key -m Jujuprod "$(cat ~/.ssh/"

To avoid to type the password of the SSH key, at every login issue the following commands:

ssh-agent bash
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Juju GUI

The URL to which to connect to the Juju GUI can be seen by:

$ juju gui --show-credentials