Gnocchi: Installation and Use


Gnocchi uses Ceilometer to collect metric data, but it replaces the data storage, the collection and its API functionality.

Install Ceilometer


The Juju charm Ceilometer with revision > 248 should be used.



apt-get install ceilometer-collector \
  ceilometer-agent-central ceilometer-agent-notification \
  python-ceilometerclient python-libvirt

Configure the services

Follow these instructions to configure Ceilometer itself and the controller services.


Note that the Ceilometer instructions and Glance instructions suggest to use:

transport_url = rabbit://openstack:RABBIT_PASS@controller

supplying the password for openstack. However we don’t know that password since it was set by Juju, hence we can use:

transport_url = rabbit://ceilometer:RABBIT_PASS@controller

with the ceilometer password present in the section [oslo_messaging_rabbit].



See these instructions

Once Gnocchi is running, connect it to Ceilometer. In the Ceilometer unit do:

sudo ceilometer-upgrade --skip-metering-database
sudo service ceilometer-agent-central start
sudo service ceilometer-agent-notification start
sudo service ceilometer-collector start


Gnocchi can be installed using this charm.


Install the CLI command:

$ sudo pip install gnocchiclient

Details on its use at Gnocchi CLI

Set authentication

You must set these environment variable before invoking gnocchi:

export OS_AUTH_TYPE=password
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USERNAME=<user>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=<user domain>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<user project>

Test gnocchi

$ gnocchi metric list


List the available metrics:

$ gnocchi metric list
| id                 | archive_policy/name | name               | unit      | resource_id           |
| 08c867b4-0bed-4a2d | low                 | volume             | None      | 63c23088-5ce3-4cda-   |
| -8952-5c78c416f607 |                     |                    |           | bca3-1ac56bef94b3     |
| 2931bc55-35cb-4e27 | low                 | cpu                | ns        | dcaf2c23-1da7-4ca0    |
| -999e-744072844a8a |                     |                    |           | a7ec-8ea99117f019     |
| e974f792-b626-450e | low                 | memory             | None      | 2e33d61a-b975-4768-b4 |
| -9f7a-ad9929480b0d |                     |                    |           | -853c-541574323aed    |
| f4495fb6-76b0      | low                 | disk.usage         | B         | dcaf2c23-1da7-4ca0    |
| -478b-ae2c-        |                     |                    |           | -853c-541574323aed    |
| 2414184594f7       |                     |                    |           |                       |

Find the resource you want to analyze, for example of type instance:

$ gnocchi resource list -t instance -c id -c user_id -c flavor_id
| id                                   | user_id                          | flavor_id |
| 06e76595-4155-4bbc-a7ec-8ea99117f019 | cc0530ce0f98408c9732ab346dd05872 | 1         |
| 2e33d61a-b975-4768-b478-8da64de05f6c | cc0530ce0f98408c9732ab346dd05872 | 1         |
| dcaf2c23-1da7-4ca0-853c-541574323aed | 72a0254c67754b23b43ab0aae6524b50 | 2         |

View the resource usage of a specific resource:

$ gnocchi measures show --resource-id dcaf2c23-1da7-4ca0-853c-541574323aed cpu
| timestamp                 | granularity |       value |
| 2017-07-14T20:35:00+00:00 |       300.0 | 1.14412e+12 |

Another example:

$ gnocchi measures show --resource-id 06e76595-4155-4bbc-a7ec-8ea99117f019 --start 2017-07-14T20:35 disk.usage
| timestamp                 | granularity |      value |
| 2017-07-14T20:35:00+00:00 |       300.0 | 10948608.0 |
| 2017-07-14T20:45:00+00:00 |       300.0 | 10948608.0 |