Taint nodes

Taint is one means to exclude one or mode nodes from installing containers. The full documentation is here:


We give here some basic examples on how to taint, untaint and get list of taints on our k8s nodes.

Get list of nodes

Issue the following commmand:

kubectl get nodes

Taint node

Issue the following commmand:

kubectl taint nodes nodename dedicated=everybody:NoSchedule

where “everybody” is a non-existent group name.

Untaint node

Issue the following command:

kubectl taint nodes nodename dedicated-

The output of the command will be something like:

node/nodename tainted

Get list of taints

Either do:

kubectl describe nodes| grep -e Name: -e Taints:

or prepare the following template nodes-taints.tmpl:

{{printf "%-50s %-12s\n" "Node" "Taint"}}
{{- range .items}}
   {{- if $taint := (index .spec "taints") }}
       {{- .metadata.name }}{{ "\t" }}
       {{- range $taint }}
            {{- .key }}={{ .value }}:{{ .effect }}{{ "\t" }}
       {{- end }}
       {{- "\n" }}
   {{- end}}
{{- end}}

Then execute the command:

kubectl get nodes -o go-template-file="./nodes-taints.tmpl"