Juju_at_MAAS backup & restore procedures (with rollback)¶
We explain how to create a backup of a Juju controller on a MAAS Cloud, and restore it… and how to setup a rollback in case of problems.
We have MAAS environement setup on LXD containers.
We installed Juju client (2.0) on an LXD container.
We bootstrapped a Juju controller and created a new model called testbck; we then deployed a test machine on the model testbck:
# juju controllers
Controller Model User Access Cloud/Region Models Machines HA Version
testbck-orig* testbck admin superuser maasCSD - - none 2.0.0
# juju models
Controller: testbck-orig
Model Cloud/Region Status Machines Cores Access Last connection
controller maasCSD available 1 4 admin just now
default maasCSD available 0 - admin 42 minutes ago
testbck* maasCSD available 3 4 admin 11 minutes ago
First, let’s create a backup of the controller:
juju create-backup --filename "juju-maas-backup.tgz"
Setup rollback¶
We want to upgrade Juju to v2.2, and have a procedure to go back to the original condition if anything goes wrong. We take advantage from the fact that our infrastructure is based on LXD so it’s easily clonable.
clone the containers hosting the MAAS region and rack controllers
Stop the original containers
Set the same IP addresses on the new containers
Start the new containers
After a while, MAAS region and rack controllers are synchronized and available again.
Let’s now clone the Juju client container; then log in to the new client and update the Juju client packages (sudo su -; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade juju)
It is important to remember that to restore a Juju controller from a file the original controller must be unavailable in MAAS. Do NOT destroy the controller otherwise the backup will become useless!
To make it unavailable we must mark the hosting machine broken or delete it from MAAS.
Once the controller is unavailable we can restore the backup with this command:
juju restore-backup -b --constraints tags="tag" --file "juju-maas-backup.tgz" --debug
where -b means “bootstrap a new controller”.
(TODO: Currently juju 2.2 ignores constraints! Ticket opened to Canonical support)
NOTE: Juju does not change the configuration on the hosted machines. If the controller machine changes its IP addresses the deployed services won’t contact it any longer and will be shown in status “down”.
To make them available again there are two ways:
Take note of the IP addresses of the old controller, set it to the target controller via MAAS (static configuration on the network interfaces);
Once the backup is restored:
log in to the hosted machines
- update the parameters apiaddresses in all the /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-<XXX>/agent.conf and /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-<XXX>/agent.conf
setting the IP addresses of the new controller, e.g.:
apiaddresses: - - ...Restart jujud-machine-<XXX> and jujud-unit-<XXX> services
Now let’s suppose something is wrong with the restored controller and we want to go back to the previous condition. All we have to do is to stop the new MAAS containers and start the original ones. Wait for them to re-synchronize… we’ll eventually find our old controller’s machine back in status “Deployed” (and switched off, because having marked it as broken in the new MAAS it was shut down… just switch it on again!); restore the agent.conf’s files of the deployed services if necessary, to make them point back to the all controller… and we’re done!