Ceph upgrade from Nautilus to Pacific

It is possible to upgrade from Nautilus directly to Pacific, skipping the intermediate Octopus release.

We followed the official documentation

In the following we will proceed with:

  • prepare cluster

  • upgrade MON

  • upgrade MGR (in our setup, colocated with MON)

  • upgrade OSD

  • final steps

It is assumed the cluster is managed via ceph-ansible, although some commands and the overall procedure are valid in general.

Prepare cluster

Set the noout flag during the upgrade:

ceph osd set noout

Upgrade MON

Perform the following actions on each MON node, one by one, and check that after the upgrade the node manages to join the cluster:

sed -i -e 's/nautilus/pacific/' /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph_stable.repo
yum -y update
systemctl restart ceph-mon@<monID>

Verify the mon has joined the cluster:

ceph -m <monIP> -s
ceph -m <monIP> mon versions

Verify all monitors report the pacific string in the mon map:

ceph mon dump | grep min_mon_release

Upgrade MGR

Proceed as for MON, upgrading packages and restarting Ceph daemons. In our setup, MON and MGR are co-located so by the time you are here, MGR nodes have already been upgraded, as can be checked with:

ceph versions

Upgrade OSD

Proceed as above with MON, one node at a time, by first updating the package manager configuration file, and then doing a package upgrade:

sed -i -e 's/nautilus/pacific/' /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph_stable.repo
yum -y update
systemctl restart ceph-mon@<monID>

Finally, restart all OSD daemons with:

systemctl restart ceph-osd.target

Check with:

ceph versions

Note that after upgrade to Pacific, OSD daemons need to perform some sort of initialization (read doc for more info), which takes some time: this results in some PGs being active+clean+laggy. The consequence is that at some point you may see “slow ops”: if this is the case, pause any OSD restart until your cluster is quiet, and wait for it to calm down before proceeding.

Final steps

OSD omap update

After the upgrade, ceph -s will show HEALTH_WARN with message similar to:

116 OSD(s) reporting legacy (not per-pool) BlueStore omap usage stats

To fix that you will need to log into each OSD server and execute (more info here) something similar to:

df | grep ceph | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F- '{print "systemctl stop ceph-osd@"$NF" ; sleep 10 ; ceph osd set noup ; sleep 3 ; time ceph-bluestore-tool repair --path "$0" ; sleep 5 ; ceph osd unset noup ; sleep 3 ; systemctl start ceph-osd@"$NF" ; sleep 300"}' > /tmp/do
. /tmp/do

Please note the above command may cause slow ops, both during the “repair” and during OSD restart, so ensure you allow enough time between OSDs and carefully pick the time when you perform the upgrade.

OSD enable RocksDB sharding

This needs to be done once, if OSD disks are upgraded from previous versions, also read here

As it requires the OSD to be stopped, it may be useful to combine with step with the one above. The operation needs to be performed only on OSD disk which have not yet been sharded. check the output of the following command:

systemctl stop ceph-osd@##
ceph-bluestore-tool --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-## --command show-sharding
systemctl start ceph-osd@##

If the OSD needs to be sharded, execute:

systemctl stop ceph-osd@##
ceph-bluestore-tool --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-## --sharding=\"m(3) p(3,0-12) O(3,0-13)=block_cache={type=binned_lru} L P\" reshard
systemctl start ceph-osd@##

MON insecure global id reclaim

This warning comes from Ceph addressing a security vulnerability. The warning can be silenced please check, for example, this page

If you want to address the issue, note that there are two sides of it: clients using insecure global id reclaim and MONs allowing insecure global id. The output of ceph health detail will clearly show whether you are affected by either one.

Clients using insecure global id need to be updated, before proceeding. They are clearly shown in the output of ceph health detail.

Once all clients are updated and ceph health detail only complains about MONs like this:

[WRN] AUTH_INSECURE_GLOBAL_ID_RECLAIM_ALLOWED: mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
  mon.cephmon1 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true

you can disable the insecure mechanism with:

ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false

Tidying it up

Please take a minute to check the official docs: we assume that other suggested configurations have already been applied to your cluster (e.g., mon_v2 or straw2 buckets), so we won’t discuss them here.

Finally, disallow pre-Pacific OSDs and unset noout flag:

ceph osd require-osd-release pacific
ceoh osd unset noout