Tutorial: Develop (and deploy) a Reactive Juju Charm


For the terminology used in this tutorial please refer to the official documentation.


Show how to develop a Juju Charm based on the Wordpress CMS using the Reactive framework.

The Wordpress charm will be developed iteratively, then deployed, configured and put in relation to the mysql charm.

Although this tutorial is focused on Wordpress, the basic concepts can be applied to the development of other charms supporting different applications. The specific behaviour of the charm will of course depend on the specific application.

Compared to the Charm development Tutorial we here use a well known application (Wordpress) as a working example.

Language and pattern used

The Wordpress charm will be created and configured using the reactive paradigm and, specifically, using the reactive.charms Python library.

Prepare the development environment

  1. If you don’t have already a Juju environment ready, you can easily create an LXD based Juju environment (in your computer or inside a VM) by following the Using LXD with Juju guide.

  2. In order to make writing Juju Charms easier, install Juju Charm Tools:

    sudo snap install charm --classic

Create The Wordpress Charm Skeleton

  1. Using the charm tools, we create the directory structure we need for our charm quickly and easily:

    charm create wordpress

    This not only creates the directory structure, it also populates it with template files for you to edit.

Wordpress Charm Development Tutorial

  1. Find the wordpress directory just created and edit the metadata.yaml file located in it:

    name: wordpress
    summary: The wordpress CMS
    maintainer: GARR CSD <cloud-supporta@garr.it>
    description: |
      - cms
    subordinate: false
    series: [trusty]
        interface: http
        interface: mysql

    The metadata.yaml is the file that Juju reads to find out what a charm is, what it does and what it needs to do it.

    The summary, maintainer and description fields can be edited with arbitrary descriptions.

    The provides and requires fields define which relations are actually provided or required by the wordpress application.

    Since the Wordpress charm is a web-based application, it provides a simple HTTP interface.

    Also, the Wordpress charm needs a connection to a database to function properly, so in metadata.yaml we require a mysql interface.

  2. Edit the layer.yaml file in the wordpress directory and include the basic and apt layers:

    includes: ['layer:basic', 'layer:apt']

    Depending on the charm you are building, you can add other layers, but tipically the basic layer is required by every charm, while the apt layer can be very useful for charms based on packaged applications.

    These two layers provide the charm.reactive, charm-helpers, charm.apt libraries and all of their dependencies for use by the charm.

  3. Edit the wordpress.py file in the wordpress/reactive directory:

    from charms.reactive import when, when_not, set_flag
    from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import status_set
    import charms.apt
    def install_wordpress_apt():
        #sets the 'apt.installed.wordpress' flag when done
    def install_wordpress():
        # Do your setup here.
        # If your charm has other dependencies before it can install,
        # add those as @when() clauses above., or as additional @when()
        # decorated handlers below
        # See the following for information about reactive charms:
        #  * https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started
        #  * https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic#overview
        status_set('blocked', "wordpress installed, waiting for database")
    def waiting_for_wordpress():
        status_set('maintenance', "waiting for apt wordpress installation")

    Please note the use of Python decorators to “react” to conditions, represented by “flags”. Flags can be set implicitly (as done by the charms.apt.queue_install(['wordpress']) line) or explicitly (as done by the set_flag('wordpress.ready') line).

    Please refer also to the charms.reactive Documentation

  4. Be sure to be logged into a juju controller.

    For more informations: how to log in to a controller

  5. Position yourself in the wordpress directory and from the command line execute these commands:

    charm build
    juju deploy /tmp/charm-builds/wordpress
    watch -c juju status --color

    As you can see, Juju will do the following:

    1. Interact with your cloud to request the provisioning of a machine on which to deploy the charm

    2. Deploy your wordpress charm

    The wordpress application and unit will halt on the status blocked because no other Python function was specified to be executed in the wordpress.py file after the install_wordpress function.

    Also, the application status blocked is exactly what we expect to see since we wrote the following instruction in wordpress.py:

    status_set('blocked', "wordpress installed, waiting for database")

    At this point, a charm that will install wordpress via apt and do nothing else has been created and deployed.

  6. Continue the charm development, deploy mysql and add a relation between wordpress and mysql:

    1. Add a new function in the wordpress.py file:

      def database_is_ready():
          status_set('blocked', 'Database is ready (joined) but not configured')

      This function uses the @hook decorator, which associates the decorated function to a Charm Lifecycle event.

      Add also the missing imports:

      from charms.reactive import when, when_not, set_flag, hook
    2. Position yourself in the wordpress directory and from the command line execute these commands:

      charm build
      juju upgrade-charm wordpress --path /tmp/charm-builds/wordpress
      juju deploy mysql --series xenial
      juju add-relation wordpress mysql
      watch -c juju status --color

      As a result of these commands, the mysql charm will be deployed.

      A relation between mysql and wordpress will be added.

      The wordpress application and unit will halt again on the status blocked as we expect, since we wrote the status_set instruction in the database_is_ready function.

      The database_is_ready function is executed when both wordpress and mysql units are deployed.

      Also, the function execution is triggered when the relation between wordpress and mysql is added as a result of the juju add-relation command previously issued.

Wordpress Specific Code

Configure the Wordpress application according to https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/wordpress.html

  1. Edit the install_wordpress function in the wordpress.py file:

    def install_wordpress():
    # Do your setup here.
    # If your charm has other dependencies before it can install,
    # add those as @when() clauses above., or as additional @when()
    # decorated handlers below
    # See the following for information about reactive charms:
    #  * https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started
    #  * https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic#overview
        status_set('maintenance', "configuring wordpress")
        # see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/wordpress.html
        wpconf = """
            Alias /blog /usr/share/wordpress
            <Directory /usr/share/wordpress>
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride Limit Options FileInfo
                DirectoryIndex index.php
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
            <Directory /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content>
                Options FollowSymLinks
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
        write_file('/etc/apache2/sites-available/wordpress.conf', wpconf)
        subprocess.call(['a2ensite', 'wordpress'])
        status_set('blocked', "wordpress installed, waiting for database")

    The modified function does the following:

    1. writes into etc/apache2/sites-available/wordpress.conf

    2. executes the sudo a2ensite wordpress command

    3. restarts the Apache service

  2. Create a directory named templates into the wordpress directory

  3. In templates/ create and edit a file named config-localhost-php.tmpl:

    define('DB_NAME', '{{ my_database.database }}');
    define('DB_USER', '{{ my_database.user }}');
    define('DB_PASSWORD', '{{ my_database.password }}');
    define('DB_HOST', '{{ my_database.host }}');
    define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/usr/share/wordpress/wp-content');
  4. Write the following function in wordpress.py:

    @when_all('wordpress.ready', 'wordpress.database_is_ready')
    def config_php():
        status_set('maintenance', 'configuring wordpress')
        mysql = relation_get()
                    'my_database': mysql
        open_port(80, protocol='TCP')
        status_set('active', 'Ready')

    This function retrieves information from the mysql unit regarding the account and database that was created when the juju add-relation mysql wordpress command was executed.

    Then, writes these information into the /etc/wordpress/config-default.php file using the Jinja2 templating engine.

  5. Add the missing imports:

    from charms.reactive import when, when_not, set_flag, hook, when_all
    from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import status_set, relation_get, log, open_port
    from charmhelpers.core.host import write_file, service_restart
    from charmhelpers.core.templating import render
    import charms.apt
    import subprocess
  6. Build and deploy the wordpress charm with the last modifications:

    charm build
    juju upgrade-charm wordpress --path /tmp/charm-builds/wordpress
    watch -c juju status --color

    The wordpress application and unit status will become Ready.

    The wordpress charm is correctly configured and ready to be used.

Expose Wordpress

From the command line execute this command:

juju expose wordpress

Use Wordpress

From the command line execute the juju status command:


You can notice that the wordpress application is publicly exposed.

Take the public address of the wordpress unit, open a browser and enter the address into the address bar (please note that you may need to add /blog to the URL).

Enjoy Wordpress!